Trauma Counselling & Psychotherapy

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Learn to stabilise the symptoms and effects of trauma, improving the quality of your life…

Addressing Trauma


Enjoy a future not impacted by trauma…

Experiencing a disturbing or life-threatening event, or series of events, can intrude in an adverse manner into your mental and emotional life, effecting your quality of life. 

Whilst the trauma will never go away, through counselling we can, together, learn about and find ways to cope more easily with your symptoms.  The first step is to stabilise your response to trauma.

If you have been affected by trauma and it is causing you difficulties, then perhaps now is the time to talk about it with a professional.  Why not contact me and I can help you understand your trauma in a safe, non-judgemental setting. Contact me today for a free, confidential and no-obligation telephone consultation and we can start the process.

Please call Louise on 07973 287424
or click the button below to submit an enquiry:

Trauma Therapy FAQs

What is trauma?

Trauma is the emotional or psychological response to extremely distressing events or series of events.  Trauma can result from experiences such as abuse, natural disasters, accidents or sudden loss.  Trauma can overwhelm a person’s ability to cope and have long lasting effects on their emotional, mental and physical health.

How can trauma be treated?

Trauma can be treated through a variety of approaches.  Depending on what is appropriate to the individual, these approaches can include; therapy to help the individual understand, challenge and change negative thought patterns and behaviours related to the trauma.  Medication can be helpful in the form of antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication (a GP can help decide which might be more suitable).  Often support groups are helpful where experiences can be shared.  Finally, self-care practices such as mindfulness and relaxation techniques can be useful as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the form of diet, good sleep hygiene and exercise.

Trauma is most effectively treated when a combination of the approaches above are employed.

Does trauma affect you physically?

Trauma can lead to a wide range of physical problems, including; headaches, muscle tension, chronic pain, increased heart rate, fatigue and sleep disturbances.

What are the common symptoms of trauma?

The symptoms of trauma can be emotional, physical, cognitive and/or behavioural.  Emotional symptoms can be feelings of intense sadness, anger or fear; problems feeling or identifying emotions or feeling numb.  Cognitively, trauma can cause intrusive thoughts or flashbacks, difficulty with concentration or problems with memory.  Behavioural symptoms can include; avoiding reminders of the trauma, changes in behaviour or substance misuse.  Trauma can produce physical symptoms such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, muscle tension, chronic pain or headaches.

How to help somebody suffering with trauma?

Helping someone who is suffering from trauma requires sensitivity, empathy, and support. Here are some practical ways to offer support:

  • Let them share their feelings at their own pace.  Listen without judgement, validating their feelings without minimising or dismissing them.

  • Encourage professional help, often GPs are the first step but also suggest seeking therapy.  While your help is valuable, sometimes the professionals can provide the help to effectively treat trauma.

  • Offer practical support with daily tasks and activities; eg school runs, cooking & cleaning.  This also keeps a connection going so that the person does not feel isolated.

  • Encourage self-care, promoting health habits.

  • Educate yourself about trauma.

  • Be aware of any triggers.

If you have been affected by trauma and it is causing you difficulties, then perhaps now is the time to talk about it with a professional.  Why not contact me and I can help you understand your trauma in a safe, non-judgemental setting. Contact me today for a free, confidential and no-obligation telephone consultation and we can start the process.

Please call Louise on 07973 287424
or click the button below to submit an enquiry: